Wednesday, 21 October 2009


Maria Roman...Total BABE. Dunno what but there is something just so beautiful about her. Possibly the extra Y chromosome she was born with that I'm picking up on. Shock horror.
I just sat and watched "Tears Tiaras and Transsexuals" on 4OD whilst doing some work,
and Maria was in it. Sadly she only got in to the final 8 though :(
But wow! Isn't it just absolutely fascinating what the medical side of things can do now.
If not slightly terrifying! I have a slight obsession with drag queens and transsexual men.
One of my favourite films being Priscilla Queen of the Desert(yum Guy Pearce and
Terrance Stamp as a pre op!) It's definitely the glamour side of things, believe me!
It's all just a rather interesting subject to me.
Anyway because I love him so ( i don't care that he was a baddie in Superman...)

And because i mentioned Priscilla...

Fix up. Look sharp.

Listening to - Claude VonStroke - Essential mix

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